As a small or medium-sized business, you may have realized the need to hire a call answering service a while ago. The cost to retain a full-time receptionist is heavy compared to the services you receive with an entire call answering service for a fraction of the price. However, when it comes to most call answering services, very few offer the quality and professionalism that Front Office Staff-Reno provides with each call. Below are a few of the main reasons businesses are unhappy with their current call answering service and how Front Office Staff-Reno stands out from the majority.  

call answering services

6 Reasons Why You Might Be Unhappy With Your Current Call Answering Service 

#1 You’re Unable to Reach Someone to Help Resolve Problems 

The number one reason businesses shop for a new answering service is that they can’t reach someone to help them resolve their problems. Call centers have a bad reputation for pushing calls off on other agents rather than handling issues. This may be due to a lack of proper training, poor communication, or simple laziness. But whatever the reason, it’s not something that you or your business should have to deal with.  

#2  Businesses Are Unsure of the Cost of Their Monthly Service 

Many businesses question the cost of their monthly service and the policies that accompany them. Average talk time for basic caller name, number, company name, and the transfer call amount to 1 minute and 35 seconds. If you exceed the original package, most call answering services will bump you up to the next plan. You must also beware of the $99 special, which can end up costing more than $250.

#3 The Call Center Provides Poor Customer Service 

Another common complaint of traditional call answering services is that the agents aren’t friendly and they don’t know anything about your company. A virtual receptionists’ job is to assist callers on behalf of your business. If they sound disengaged or cannot answer questions from a caller about the business, then they aren’t providing your customers with the quality service you expect. 

#4 They Give Incorrect Information to Callers

Many call answering services will answer your calls using the wrong company name or give incorrect information to your callers. Call centers have a tendency to answer your business line with the wrong company name, confusing your clients and putting them off completely. Operators from these call answering services can sound unprofessional, rushed, and unfamiliar with your company, leaving a poor impression of your business on the customer. Call centers provide cookie-cutter customer service camouflaged as “customized service” which doesn’t benefit your business at all.

#5 You Receive High Monthly Bills Due to Call Holding 

It’s typical for call answering services to charge businesses to answer calls by the minute – which includes call holding times. Some answering services put callers on hold for long periods, which translates into a higher monthly bill. 

#6 There’s No Incentive to Stay with Your Current Call Center 

Most call answering services provide minimal effort when answering your calls or handling customers’ concerns. On top of that, there are no added incentives to stay with them or to continue using their services. Front Office Staff-Reno offers a great promotion that gives new clients their first month for free with unlimited calls with a one-time setup fee of $125. Along with this, we offer a variety of other benefits that aren’t available from other call centers.

front office staff logoWhat Makes Front Office Staff-Reno a Different Call Answering Service: 

Now that you know how most call centers operate, it’s time to explain how Front Office Staff-Reno works differently. We specifically work with small to medium-sized businesses of all types. As a local business ourselves, we recognize the importance of building strong customer relationships, providing exceptional service, and making a lasting impression with your clientele. We’ll work with you to create trusting strong relationships with your customers while maintaining constant communication with you. 

Another aspect of our call answering services that others can’t compare to is our diligent training process. Every virtual receptionist at our call answering service is trained for several months with hands-on supervision to ensure we can provide consistent satisfaction. We assure you that callers are never rushed and always taken care of by our friendly staff.

Industries Front Office Staff-Reno Works With 

We hope to help businesses grow and succeed with our services which is why we focus so much on getting to know you and your business personally. Our range of business knowledge and vast experience has given us the opportunity to work with a host of different industries. Being well-versed in various industries helps us provide more specialized services based on your specific needs and goals. We’ve been able to assist a variety of clients working in law, construction, real estate, and more including:

  • Chiropractors
  • IT Businesses
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Landscapers
  • Electricians
  • Janitorial Services
  • Wholesalers
  • Insurance Firms

Connect With Us Today!

Let Front Office Staff-Reno’s answering service create a whole new concept to the words “call answering service”. Unlike other answering services that have a one-size-fits-all approach, we emphasize the importance of customized solutions that are tailored specifically for each client. When it comes time to hire an answering service to help your business succeed, be sure to find one that puts your business first. See how Front Office Staff-Reno can help your business grow and succeed today!

No Lost Calls + No Lost Revenue = A Greater ROI
