

BNI is a Global organization. There are 18 Chapters and 420 members locally.
With 385,000 members worldwide, representing 70 countries.
BNI members may visit any BNI meeting in the US or world. is the regional website, while is the national site

BNI provides a weekly event where its members come together to build referral relationships. At these weekly chapter meetings, members share specific referral requests, learn new networking skills. Improve their public speaking skills, all while being surrounded by like-minded professionals from within the community. If you are looking to increase the visibility of your business and know the power of referrals, BNI is the place for you!

For more information you may click on any Chapters name. From this landing page, you may review the roster, schedule a visit or find the Chapter President’s contact info. You may also reach out to the Executive Director of BNINV, Greg Haupert, or 775-223-4292 for more information.